Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels.Fixed several issues with perks stacking.Reworked Bomber drop, he will spawn better Primary and Heavy weapons when killed.AI Director will spawn less secondary weapon pickups.Tweaked Extreme difficulty settings to restore pre-patch balance (it was changed to support crossplay).Significantly increased both XP and currency rewards.Reduced the amount of ammo secondary weapons drain from ammo boxes by 50%.Fixed one of the shops not spawning items.Capped by 10 the amount of Auto Turrets that could be placed simultaneously.Added significantly more random pickups in Normal mode.Supply points rewards will begin to scale down later in Normal mode.

If players will manage to finish the mission with containers intact, they will get increased rewards.The containers are fragile and they will begin to apply negative effects to players as they break.

Virus samples can spawn from Bombers that are taken down without them exploding.AI Director will randomly spawn containers with Virus Sample that players can pick up.Added Virus Sample functionality in Campaign.